عن المستشفى

          On 25 February 1977, one of the first private hospitals in Thailand sprung along Sukumvit Road. Aptly named Sukumvit Hospital, it started operating on its founding principles that revolve around service quality. With its history traced back to being an army hospital, called "Fifth Field Hospital" during the war, the hospital, even in its early years, already boasted modern facilities and technology, as these were left behind by the American soldiers that went home after the war.

          With medical tools and equipment already considered modern at that time, Sukumvit Hospital began operating with emphasis on affordability and safe treatment. Only safe and suitable forms of technology were used for treatment because the hospital's priority was to extend modern healthcare to the people at an affordable cost.

          As years passed, Sukumvit Hospital grew in leaps and  bounds-continually developing the skills and capabilities of its own staff comprising of dedicated and highly qualified doctors, nurses and other medical professionals, as well as constantly improving its facilities and upgrading its standards year after year.

          "Today, Sukumvit Hospital is considered as one of the best private hospitals in the country. While it has become the distinguished medical institution that it is today, Sukumvit Hospital still takes pride in adhering to its founding principles of emphasizing high quality services and providing appropriate treatment and healthcare by carefully selecting the best options and technology available."